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Well informed

Would you like to always stay up to date regarding important topics? You can find a wide range of information and useful tips here. We want to share our knowledge with you and make it easier for you to get started with compression therapy.

Vein treatment

Oedema Therapy

A woman on a bar wearing compression stockings.


Lipoedema is a painful accumulation of fat cells in areas of the body such as the legs, buttocks, hips or arms.

A woman on a bar wearing compression stockings.


In lymphoedema, protein-rich lymph fluid accumulates in the tissue and is not properly removed by the body.


Scar Therapy

A woman sits on the kitchen counter. She is wearing a scar thoracic care


With the right scar therapy, the appearance and function of many scars can be positively influenced.

Scar treatment

Scar treatment

Scar tissue can change for up to two years after its formation. During this time, it is possible to exert a positive effect on the development of a scar by ensuring the right care and treatment.


Donning and doffing aids

Donning and doffing aids

We would like to make your introduction to compression therapy as easy as possible. Therefore we have compiled some useful tips on our donning and doffing aids page.

A man at the doctor is advised


Our phrasebook explains the most important medical terms in an understandable way.