Patients with lymphological and phlebological illnesses are prone to bacterial skin infections. This also applies to people with scars following burns or scalding, or with post-operative scars. In these cases, they can benefit from the antibacterial effect of pure silver.
X-Static silver thread is knitted into Juzo Silver compression products. It has a natural antibacterial effect. The silver filaments in the X-Static thread are much bigger than silver nano particles, and take effect on the skin surface.
Lymphoedema and constant wearing of flat knit garments can cause skin to dry out and become cracked, meaning it is prone to inflammation. The antibacterial effect of silver in Juzo Expert Silver and Juzo Expert Strong Silver reduces itching and inflammation, and can restore balance to inflamed and irritated skin.
Dermatitis and eczemas can be side effects of vein problems. The X-Static silver thread knitted into the Juzo Dynamic Silver can prevent bacterial growth, and has a pleasant cooling as well as anti-inflammatory effect. Additionally, itching can be significantly reduced thanks to the combination of compression knit and silver.
Damaged skin can be the source of infection. Juzo ScarComfort Silver can help to reduce harmful bacterial colonisation, and prevent new developments. Bacteria will increase less quickly owing to the knitted-in silver thread. At the same time, balance of the inflamed and irritated skin is restored.